• Find all my plushies

    My creations are sorted by collections on this shop! You can all browse by clicking "Shop" or research with simple keywords If you can't find what you want, it could be something sold out. In this case, I'll help out in private messages.

    Plushie collections 
  • Commissions

    If you wish for a very unique friend, you can request a custom plush based on my portfolio or existing patterns. You can also ask for out of stock products! If closed, sit tight, I open several times a year.

    Read more 
  • New original designs

    I design them on pc then embroider and stitch them up!

    I've started designing my own digital files for embroidery machines! There'll be much more to come. From fanarts to originals concepts.

    My original creations 
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Newest plushies

Most recent plushies I've crafted these past weeks!

1 of 20

Evolution family

Highly requested, they've made a return on the shop (limited quantity).

1 of 10

My designs

Plushies I've designed from software to hand. I'm learning to make more of them little by little.

These specific designs are all made by me. More coming soon!

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Next ITH plushie design

I'm currently designing a Sea angel/butterfly (Gymnosomata) plushie this summer.